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Stative verbs ( or State Verbs)

Stative verbs usually describe states (not actions) that last for some time. (Example: like, appear, believe, hate, belong) A state continues over a period of time and has no immediate beginning and the end is unknown. Whereas an action has a definite beginning and a definite end.

For that reason the action is described by action verbs that describe things that happen within a limited time. In this case you use the -ing form. (Example: buying, learning)

Stative verbs are not used in the progressive form. (-ing form) But there are exceptions as usual. The progressive form is a verb tense used to show an ongoing action with a beginning an end and uses a form of "to be" + the present participle. (Examples: is cooking, is running) But you cannot use this form with stative verbs because they describe conditions which have no definite beginning and no definite end.

A verb which isn't stative is an action (dynamic) verb.

Stative Verbs - Examples