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Pronoun Exercises

When you do these pronoun exercises then hover with your mouse over the marked area to see the solution.

Is there ...... interesting in this book? No, ...... (no, none, not, nothing) at all.

That's easy. ...... (any, every) boy on the street could tell you that?

There are only a ...... (little, some, few) strawberries left?

The door ...... (open, opened itself, opened) quickly.

...... (what, which, who, whom) of the women did you invite?

...... (what, which, who) is the ...... (safe) way to the shop?

This man and this girl are attracted to ...... (themselves, each, each other). The girl is the ...... (beautiful) in town.

I saw ...... (his, her, hers, their) dress on ...... (you, your, yours) bed.

My English is ...... (good) than ...... (your, yours, you).

...... (who, whose) cup is on this table?

Don't touch that white shirt of ...... (me, my, mine)

......(who, which) of you has made this mistake.

...... (who, Which) of your two colleagues is here?

Personal Pronouns Exercises

You can't go on like this, ...... (it, he, its) doesn't work.

...... (its, it, he) is difficult to find water.

This man is a good teacher but ...... (his, he, she, him) is often drank.

She is nice, Peter knows ...... (she, her, hers).

...... bought some food. (Susan)

...... eats a lot. (The woman)

...... is drinking. (The man)

...... is big. (the bus)

...... are on a tour now. (the students)

...... is sleeping. (the cat)

...... are playing chess. (my friend and I)

...... are very noisy. (the kids)

...... is going home. (Dad)

Relative Pronouns Exercises (who, whom, whose, where or which, that).

Who or that are used for people. Which or that are used for things.

He has a friend ...... (who, that, whom, which) plays chess well.

He gave me the computer ...... (who, that, whom, which) he had repaired.

What job has the man ...... (who, whose, whom) house you sold?

This is a tournament hall ...... (where, who, whose) people play chess.

There is a nurse ...... (whose, who, whom) thinks that she should get another job.

He is a genius ...... (who, whose, whom, where) teachers were brilliant.

This is the room ...... (who, where, whom) we had a great party.

This course is only for students ...... (who, whose, where) first language is German.

I don't trust the woman to ...... (who, whom, where, whose) I talked last night.

It's the computer ...... (who, which, whom, that) you repaired yesterday.

Peter ...... got fired about a year ago, recently found a new job.

The country in ...... they grew up is very beautiful.

The suburb ...... they are moving into is overpopulated.

Their new car ...... they repaired is very old.

The family next door ...... daughter goes to the same school, is eighteen years old.

Indefinite Pronouns - non-specific

all, any, anybody, anything, anywhere, both, each, every, everbody, nobody, no, none, some


There isn't ...... beer left. Please get ......

Won't you have ...... more coffee.

Many moves were analysed but ...... of them is satisfactory.

...... asked you.

He had a lot of pain but ...... could be done.

They ...... were drunk.

There is ...... hope for you.

...... the students are expecting to get good marks.

I am not sure what to do ...... of them told me a different story.

...... was laughing at him.

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