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Prepositions of Place

Learn more about Prepositions of Place below.

above across against among at
away before behind below beneath
beside between beyond by from
in in front of inside near next to
off on opposite out outside
over past through under upon
with within without

Examples of Prepositions

Put your bag on the table.
Do you need oxygen above the mountains?
The dog is under /beneath /underneath /below the table.
She lives two floors below me.
The woman walked over the bridge.
She is standing in front of the man with the long hair.
I sat beside my girlfriend.
I am sleeping below the bridge.
Hide your money under your shirt.
Go and look behind the house.


The book is ...... (on, at, on top) the table.

The man is sleeping ...... (on, in) the bus.

You can meet her ...... (on, at, in) school.

There is a garden ...... (on, beside) the house.

The man is working ...... (on, at, in) the backyard.

The tools are right ...... (in front of, at, on) you.

You can get your bill ...... (on, at, in) the reception.

I am waiting ...... (on, at, in) the bus stop.

Watch the sign ...... (at, above) the shop.

Stay ...... (at, behind) me.

I go ...... (on, at, for) holiday for a few days.

I stay ...... (on, at, to) home tonight.

My dog sits ...... (on, in, at) a chair and never ...... (on, in, at) the table.

Discuss this problem ...... (at, for, with) your teacher and not ...... (with, for, at) your parents.

This job is very good ...... (on, for, with) you but not ...... (for, with, at) him.

This book ...... (on, in, at) the table is ...... (on, for, at) my exams.

He learns English ...... (on, in, at) school but not ...... (on, in, at) home.

My family lives ...... (on, in, at) Germany and I live ...... (for, with, at) my girl friend.

prepositions of place

by, near, nearby, close to, beside

The green tree is by the house.
The green tree is near the house.
The green tree is nearby the house.
The green tree is close to the house.
The green tree is beside the house.

Prepositions of place - in, on, at etc.

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