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List of Pronouns

This list of pronouns will give you a good idea about the various types.

Personal Pronouns

There are two types of personal pronouns:
Subject Pronouns and Object Pronouns

Subject Pronouns

I You He She It
They We

I come to you next week.
You should go to the market.
He sells cars.
She cries a lot.
It makes me angry
They go now.
We travel a lot.

Object Pronouns

Me You Him Her
It Us Them

The man told me what to do.
The boy gave you the book.
The mother cooked for him.
The bus didn't wait for her.
Buy it now.
He did it for us.
Dad bought them last week.

Relative Pronouns

that which who whom whose
whichever whatever whoever whomever

These are in the beginning of an Adjective Clause


The shop, which sells the best bread in town, has been closed.
This is the car that my father bought.
Tell me the facts that help to find him.
The boy who arrived from Germany is very young.
The man whose house burned down visited me yesterday.
The old man gave me a gift which was amazing.
The men,who worked in the house, are not reliable.
The kid,whose dad is a dentist, is very intelligent.
That's the boy who has kicked the ball.
My neighbour, who shouts a lot, annoys me.
Germany which is in Europe is overpopulated.
Go to the shop which is not far.
The company, whose boss is a woman, is in the city.
This is the teacher, with whom I shared a room.
This is the woman to whom I wanted to speak.
We must tell him the truth whatever happens.
Whatever he does he works very hard.
If you can't come, for whatever reason, give us a call.
The teacher gave it to whoever solved the problem first.
The boss will fire whoever is sick.

Possessive Pronouns

mine yours his hers its
ours yours theirs

If you use them before Nouns they function as adjectives.


Take these computers. Mine is the new one.
I eat your cake. Do you eat mine?
I sold Peter's car but I couldn't sell yours.
My clothes are wet. Yours are dry.
Nobody finished his job but his was finished.
Joe drank his beer but Susan didn't drink hers.
The boss cleaned his clothes but Betty couldn't clean hers.
Take your shoes. Ours are at the beach.
Your opinion is right. Ours is wrong.
All cars are dirty. Yours is clean.
I like this house but I don't like yours
The neighbours don't like your bicycle. Do you like theirs?

Interrogative Pronouns

what who which whom whose

You need them to ask a question. There is never a noun placed after an interrogative pronoun. A question is asked and it is not known to which noun the pronoun refers to.


Who said this? (My father said this.)
Whom did you give it? (I gave it to my boss.)
What's going on? (A party)
What are you watching? (I watch a movie.)
Which is the smallest? (The right room is the smallest.)
Which do you prefer? (I prefer the wine.)

If you place a noun after the pronoun then it is not an interrogative Pronoun but an Interrogative Adjective.


Which house do you prefer?

The word "house" is a noun which follows the pronoun "which" so it is an Interrogative Adjective.


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