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How to Improve Spoken English

If you don't know how to improve spoken English then learn "Sentence Starters", this will help you a lot.

English sentence starters + Verb

I gotta...
Use phrase for obligation or necessity
I'd rather (not)...
Use this phrase to express your preferences
I'll help you...
to offer or promise assistance
Let me... / Can I...? / Do you mind if I...?
Use these three phrases to ask permission to do something
(from most informal to most polite/formal)
You could... / You should...
Use these phrases to give advice - could is weaker, and should is stronger
Please don't...
Use this phrase to ask someone not to do something
Let's not...
I used to...
Something you did frequently in the past, but you don't do now.
I'd like to...
For something you want to do
I'm about to...
Something you're going to do in the immediate future
I didn't mean to...
You talk about something you did accidentally
I'm here to...
To announce your purpose for being in a place
I'm dying to...
For something you REALLY want to do
It takes (time) to...
to talk about how long something takes
There's no need to...
Use this phrase to talk about an unnecessary action
I've been...
Use this phrase to talk about your recent activities
I'm busy... / I was busy...
Use this phrase to say how you are/were occupied
I'm not used to...
Use this phrase to talk about something you're not accustomed to
I'm having a hard time...
Use this phrase to talk about something you're having difficulty doing
I'm looking forward to...
you're excited about something in the future
How about... ?
Use this phrase to make suggestions
It's no use... / There's no point...
Something will have no result/effect

How to Improve Spoken English - Sentence Starters

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