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ESL Lessons - Collocations

In this ESL Lesson you will learn about Collocations.

"common combinations" of words that are used together are called collocations. They can be used in different ways.

Example: Collocations

The word paper can be used in different ways in English

- paper = regular pieces of paper
- paper = short for "newspaper"
- papers = official documents
- paper = academic written work

In this video below you will learn 25 different expressions (collocations) with "paper". Avoid "strange" or unnatural combinations of words.

ESL Lessons - Collocations

25 English Expressions with the Word PAPER

One unit of paper is called:
a sheet of paper or a piece of paper.

Special Paper

lined paper
notebook paper
graph paper
wax paper
wrapping paper
paper towels
toilet paper


fold a piece of paper
crumple up a piece of paper
rip/tear a piece of paper

scraps of paper

Paper = Newspaper

examples: today's paper, Sunday paper, local paper

Papers = Official Documents

Identification, divorce, dismissal, import/export etc.
- Show your papers, Sign the papers

Paper = Academic writing

- write a paper, research paper
The students turn in their papers. The teacher grades the papers and hands the papers back.

Scholars may write a first draft of the paper...They can send in the final draft of the paper.
After the paper is published...scientists can discuss the paper...
present the paper at a meeting...

English Collocations

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