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Adjectives and Adverbs - Exercises

Do the following exercise to learn more about Adjectives and Adverbs. To see the solution of each exercise just go with your mouse over the marked text box and then a little window will pop up and will show the answer.

adjectives adverbs

The man plays chess inside today because it is ...... (loud) outside. After that he drives home ...... (careful).

"Have the kids arrived ...... (safe)?" the father asked ...... (anxious).

She is ...... (beautiful, beautifully), but not a ......(good, well) worker.

Take the bus ...... (quick) before it's too late.

How does Peter feel today? I hope as ...... (good) as he did yesterday.

The text in this book is explained as ...... (simple) as ...... (possible).

The boss spoke to the man in a ...... (friendly) way.

The worker ...... (quick) takes the helmet.

The shop is ...... far (terrible).

The rock star sings the song ...... (good).

People cannot speak ...... in many countries (free).

The children hadn't been ...... injured (serious).

Don't tell lies, this would make it ...... for me (easy).

He ...... looked at the man (nervous).

He ...... (impatient) shouted at the ...... kid (unhappy).

This man can run ...... quickly (extreme).

The woman placed the books ...... on the table (careful).

The teacher tells him ...... not to come late (day).

Don't take his opinion too ...... (serious).

The new company is looking for ways to produce cars more ...... (economic).

The wages textile workers in Asia receive are ...... earned (good).

The pollution in China is ...... now than it was 5 years ago (bad).

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